December 2016  New!
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November 2016 
  photo by Nobuo Aoki (NOA)
Here is the display I made for the 23rd Origami Carnival. I am proud of my unique library scene even though it did not win a prize. My title is, "Quiet, There's a Library for Animals". I was inspired by the book "Quiet, There's a Canary in the Library" by Don Freeman.
As you can see in the photograph, my fingers gave life to many cute origami animals. There is a male lion reading the book "Easy Embroidery". A mother panda is reading "The Peach Boy" to her baby. A tall giraffe is reading the poem "Giraffe" by Michio Mado. The librarian is a smiling teddy bear who is reading stories about peace to an attentive group that includes bunnies, chicks, puppies, and an elephant. On the bookshelf there are several books titled "No War".
I am praying for a world where there are no wars and where all people can live in peace.
November 2016 
Shoko's creation "Owl bag" was introduced in the January issue of the NOA Magazine #497.
This model is so cute!
Happy folding everyone!.
November 2016 
Shoko's model "Shell" was introduced in the 2-3/2016 issue of the Hungarian Origami Magazine.
October 2016 
Shoko's creation "Simple Coin Purse" was introduced in ORISON Magazine #2016/5.
October 2016 
Shoko's creation 'Tree decoration for a letterfold' was introduced in the Christmas folding booklet 2016 of OSN.
August 2016 
Shoko's creation "Amazing Chair" was introduced in the October issue of the NOA Magazine #494. I created this in 2012. This model becomes 3D at the last step and you will be pleasantly surprised to find a nice chair. Enjoy!
July 2016
Shoko's creation "Rabbit" was introduced in the September issue of the NOA Magazine #493.
I created this model after I read the book "The Velveteen Rabbit".
May 2016 
Shoko's creation "Simple Coin Purse" was introduced in the July issue of the NOA Magazine #491. The theme of this issue is Star festival and Unit origami. This coin purse is introduced as one of the decorations of Star festival in Sendai.
April 2016
Here is my new creation "Standing Rabbit".
It reminded me of the book of " Briefe von Felix. Ein kleiner Hase auf Weltreise
February 2016
Shoko's model "Teddy Bear 2015" was introduced with British Origami magazine issue 296. I like this model. So cute!
January 2016  
Shoko's creation 'Tree decoration for a letterfold' was introduced in the March issue of the NOA Magazine #487.
January 2016 


My creation Heart shaped amulet was introduced in the February issue of the NOA Magazine #486.
Shoko's model "Box with flower" was introduced in the 4/2015 issue of the Hungarian Origami Magazine. This model will fit for the Christmas gifts! I made many . Looks very elegant.
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© Shoko Aoyagi